

Photo credit: Shel Neufeld www.shelneufeld.com

As of March 2021

 Monday, March 1st was a great day!  We received news that the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) Nation and Province of BC signed an agreement to protect the Dakota Bear Sanctuary, bringing an eight year campaign to an end.

 So so many people and organizations to thank for their tireless work, creativity, and persistence.

 It was an honour for the Living Forest Institute to support Elphinstone Logging Focus and The Only Animal in their work and to serve in our role of connecting community to the natural forests.

 In the beautiful words of one of our supporters:

 “Thank you for this amazing news.

 I first saw it on FB a few days ago and had to read the article twice to make sure they were actually referring to the Sanctuary. 

And then I just started to cry.

 Cry for happy for the beautiful sanctuary.

 Cry for the loss of other forests that weren't so lucky.

 Then cry for happy again.

 It is certainly time for gratitude and celebration for all the collective teamwork and of the many hard working folks

who walked this situation to a new door; and then kept the faith and held the vision until that door opened

and more inclusive possibilities were invited in.”

 — Jill Shatford

Saving the Dakota Bear Sanctuary

This very extraordinary and special ancient forest on the traditional lands of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) Nation was nicknamed the Dakota Bear Sanctuary by Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF). 

It is a long story. The folks at Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) will tell you the many trials and tribulations of the journey.  The story of the final push, after BC Timber Sales Block A87126 was deferred five times, is much shorter.

It was Kendra Fanconi, Artistic Director of The Only Animal’s idea to bring artists from the Artist Brigade and key influencers to see for themselves this irreplaceable forest ecosystem - intact and untouched by fire since the last ice age - at risk of being lost forever.

The visits took place in the summer and fall of 2020. As Kendra describes, “the visitors crawled into bear dens, tasted wild blueberries, hugged gigantic ancient yellow cedars, and gathered around the pre-contact culturally modified trees. They then went away as agents of change and produced projects to make an impact to help protect the forest, inspired by their visit and from their artistic impulses”.

Visit The Only Animal website or LFI’s homepage to explore the creative works of the artists and others that emerged from the Dakota Bear walks. 

as of November 16, 2020

The Living Forest Institute (LFI) is supporting the Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) in its efforts to save the Dakota Bear Sanctuary from clear cut logging by developing and implementing a creative campaign to engage the public and influence decision makers.

During August we inspired creativity by inviting The Artist Brigade and Key Influencers to experience the Sanctuary first hand. Each trip was filmed and photographed, and each participant committed to stories told and ideas shared to feed into the creation and implementation of an engagement plan during the fall and winter of 2020 / 2021. Thus, generating awareness, support and ultimately pressure on the BC Government and other decision makers to protect the Sanctuary forever.  

For those who haven’t experienced a natural old growth forest of the Sunshine Coast, this video is for you. We want to transport you through this time capsule of modern history, before it falls and becomes a clear cut.

For those who have experienced the natural old growth forests of the Sunshine Coast, you can attest to the value of keeping our heritage intact.

This video, produced by Sophia Dagher of The Only Animal, is really for all of us. To inspire us that it’s time to stand up for Sunshine Coast forests, including the Dakota Bear Sanctuary.

Photo credit: Shel Neufeld

Protectors in Dakota Bear Sanctuary!

In the Summer and Fall of 2020, the Living Forest Institute, the Elphinstone Logging Focus and The Only Animal shared the treasures and splendours of the Dakota Bear Sanctuary with artists, scientists and key influencers.  Many were inspired to capture what they experienced through art, stories and video. Below is a sample of their creativity and part of what made a difference in saving the Dakota Bear Sanctuary.  See more of the artists’ work on the website of TOA and photos by Shel Neufled on the LFI’s Dakota Bear Sanctuary page.

Watch this 8-minute short film by filmmaker Trent Maynard, that captures the land, history, and urgency surrounding the Dakota Bear Sanctuary.

Take an interactive, immersive 360° educational tour, by Professor Nina Hewitt, for an in-depth experience to see what’s cool about the Dakota Bear Sanctuary’s biodiversity.

Take an interactive, immersive 360° educational tour, by Professor Nina Hewitt, for an in-depth experience to see what’s cool about the Dakota Bear Sanctuary’s biodiversity.

Video Length (1:47) Jens Wieting, Senior Forest And Climate Campaigner, Sierra Club BC, in the Dakota Bear Sanctuary, calls for conservation leadership from the BC Government to protect endangered ecosystems and old-growth rainforests.

Map showing the location of the Dakota Bear Sanctuary in the Dakota Creek Watershed on the Sunshine Coast.


Located in Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) territory, the area known as the “Dakota Bowl Bear Sanctuary” is part of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) Block A87126. The forty-six hectare area in the Dakota Valley, which drains into Howe Sound, contains hundreds of red and yellow cedar trees that could qualify as “Coastal Legacy Trees” and “Monumental Trees” under BCTS’ own guidelines for best management practices, considering their age, size and cultural significance. The area is also known to have a high density of black bear den sites.” Quote https://sierraclub.bc.ca/tag/dakota-bowl/ , May 20, 2020.

The Artist Brigade is imagined as a leaderless, national movement to encourage artists’ involvement in mobilizing our citizenry toward immediate climate action. They work in cross-sector partnerships to mobilize a society paralyzed by climate anxiety and grief. They connect artists to new partnerships, resources and audiences who are eager for engagement. The Dakota Bowl Bear Sanctuary has been selected as one of 4 different threatened wildernesses to bring together artists and stakeholders to discover how they can collaboratively respond to the need for climate action.” The Only Animal, June 2, 2020. 

The Key Influencers are movers and shakers within our community and society who can make a difference in influencing and convincing decision makers to protect key natural forests for the benefit of all.


There are various levels of support to choose from:

  • The Sanctuary - $10,000

  • Ancient Forest - $5,000

  • Yellow Cedar - $2,500

  • Bear Den - $1,000

Bear Den Sponsor: Space Building

Bear Den Sponsor: Space Building


Dakota Bear Sanctuary Creative Team:

Dakota Bear Sanctuary Advisors: